Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
After church, is time to fill the hungry stomach...

say good bye to loneliness that always bother me all this while cuz now i got HAPPY!!
he is my new pet( c how big he is) and showed that i m so small behind him!!
i just adopted him from Rundle Mall today!
i m lovin it~
Angel's heart
delightful Sunday i got~
here comes our delicious lunch
perfect dishes with soup available at China town food court...the price is reasonable too i guess...!!
my day din end like tis....
my day din end like tis....
say good bye to loneliness that always bother me all this while cuz now i got HAPPY!!
he is my new pet( c how big he is) and showed that i m so small behind him!!
i just adopted him from Rundle Mall today!
i m lovin it~
Angel's heart
delightful Sunday i got~
Saturday, May 24, 2008
P.S. I Love You
Angel's heart
we read to know we are not alone
Friday, May 23, 2008
lonely teddy...

little teddy bear had been hiding in the house all this while because he hates cloudy, windy and rainy days. it makes him feel uncomfortable. finally sunshine came after the rain, and here come the teddy bear. little teddy bear is hanging within the tree...erm....he is overwhelming over something. he is confuse, he is depress, he is lost, he is out of his mind...
All he wants is to be alone...but he realize that he had been alone for quite a while since dunno when...
how he wish he can in love again....and this time only he n she...but he dunno what else can he do to make this dream come true again...his heart is empty!!
In Love Again -- 龚柯允
When you smile
My life becomes a ray of light
Sing me a lullaby
To sleep at midnight
I'll be hypnotizes When looked into your eyes turn off the room light
Let's spend the night
Take me to far away
Away to your secret place
Take my tears my fears
Take all my pain For which I'll repay someday
With a kiss and say
Can't believe that I'm in love
In love again
When the stars don't shine
And when the birds don't fly
And when the flowers cry
And when the rain runs dry
When the violet's red And when the rose turn blue
Baby I'm still in love with you
*chorus repeat
Angel's heart
说谎伤害都是不安犯的错, 但犯了就是伤害了。。。
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Red Rock~
After our group meeting, we ve lunch together
dessert after lunch...various types of ice-cream
Angel's heart
Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed
it had been raining the whole day, i don't like rainy day!! the weather is too cooling, n everything is wet...singing in my heart...rain rain go away come again another today is the start of WEEKENDS..every1 loves weekends i guess...including me!! anyway i had a great time going out with my classmates today...!!
Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
what a day~
Fong's sisters are both clumsy n careless i guess. My sis got bruises all over her knees after every fall n today i got 2 wound on my knees after a fall on my way home. Actually i cant remember how i fall down indeed, i just remembered i put my hand into my pocket to reach my hand phone cause mummy called and the next thing is i lost my balance n kneel down on the cement floor. damn painful ( i shouted in my heart n i nearly broke into crying baby) but still manage to get up by myself n pretend nothing happened keep walking...!!Cant believe i can still fall down like tis though had come to tis age, i'm extremely clumsy n funny when i think back. the picture shown the fresh wound after the fall n i really do hop they won left any scar on my legs. =(
Angel's heart
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
mummy's daughter~
Indeed many ppl never fail to recognized i m her daughter. I m blessed to look alike with her in appearance. though i m so far away, she never feel annoy to call me once a while between 2-3 days. tis is the time we share everything bout my life here n she would tell me everything tat happened in my hometown. she is more than a mum to me but a true fren, a fren tat will give me intelligent advise and teach me about life. guess words r just not enough to express how i feel now...but Thanks, mum 4 everything u had done 4 me~
I m so grateful to ve such a wonderful mum....though i cant be with u to celebrate Mother's day, all i want to say is I LOVE U, Mum. Happy Mother's day~
Angel's heart
my love for u growth each day~
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
between friends n you...

至到有一天,她与他相遇了。在一个很偶然下,他们从一位朋友中认识了对方。当时的他已有一位交往了很久的女朋友了。她常常在他不开心时陪在他身边,陪他聊天。。。以一位很普通朋友的身份,从来也没想过会有进一步的发展。 不久候,他和他的她分手了原因是他令她失望和难过了。她也自然的成为他的鼓励和支持,常常陪他聊通宵、陪他度过那段难熬得日子。他们的友情也渐渐的往前走了。
在误打误撞下,他们见面了, 不久后他们也在一起了。一却的开始都是美好的,他和她也有过一段很快乐得时光。她常常为了朋友不把他当一回事,常常为了朋友爽约,为了朋友与他争吵。她一至认为她能在俩者之间平衡的很好,所以也没顾虑这样多。他开始不能忍受她的性格,虽然常常告诉她他不喜欢这样的她,为了这件事吵了又吵,虽然吵完后有尝试去改, 但她始终没很认真当一回事,还是我行我素的做她爱做的事。尤其是有时会故意的让他生气只为了要报复,因为他也令她不开心了。 这样吵吵闹闹,分分合合不知不觉也过了一年,他也因为一次有一次的失望对她有所保留了。 他告诉了她一句话,你会是一个很好的朋友, 但永远不会是个好情人。
到了最后,他们之间划出了一道距离。虽然在对方身边但却没有了信任。这个距离越来越大了,她开始感到不安, 感到难受。她想尝试补救所以在很努力的改。。。
他们谈了又谈,把心里所有的疑惑、不安、感受、想法,通通都说了出来。她终于明白原来这一路走来真的是自己不懂得如何好好的做人家的女朋友,自己是都么的天真、幼稚和不懂事。想起每次为了同一件事伤害了他,录取了他对她的信任,她自己还理直气壮的维护自己没顾到他的感受, 心里很难受。 他答应过她的事都有尽力办到, 但她却从来没有做到最好。 知道自己真的对不起了一个用心爱她的人,真的很难受。
她开始在朋友与他之间挣扎,对她来说要做这个选择真的不容易,毕竟这一直都是她过去的生活。 她想了又想,考虑了又考虑,她开始认真的思考, 拥有了全世界但失去了他或是拥有了他但失去了朋友,她会开心吗?心里曾经还自私的想为什么不能两个都拥有呢?觉得自己真的很可笑,她也在心里笑自己了。 陡陡转转, 一却好像又回到了原点。她知道这次如果她还是和以前一样没有好好的做选择她将会失去所有。所以她选了他, 因为知道一直以来虽然尝试放开但没有一次能好好的离开,知道离开他她一点都不开心。清楚的知道是自己没有为这段感情好好的付出该给的、没有尽力的维护这段从一开始就脆弱的感情所以会有遗憾,知道对她来说他真的很重要,知道她真的不想失去他,心里还是爱着他的一却。她现在会不顾一却的爱他,也答应是给自己最后一次机会尝试了, 不管结果会是怎样至少她真的努力了, 这样就够了她对自己说。
朋友与情人总有一边是你真正想拥有的。不管你决定的是那一边,都会有伤害。问题就在你选择伤害的是谁罢了。在这里分享这则小故事。我想该有很多人都会遇到这样的决择,好好的做你想要的决择吧~ 不要让自己后悔。
Angel's heart
i m willing to change cause of u~
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