another 2 days to go it ll be Mother's day!!suddenly realize time really flies, tis is my 3rd years away from home during tis special days of mum. This is the woman who carried me ten months before bringing me to the world, the one who appear in front of me when i 1st opened my eyes, the one who cultivate me when i know nothing at all, the one who always worry bout my everything even something tiny like ants, the one who will never abundant me when i need some1 to listen, to cry, to complain, to tell..., the one who always support me in everything decision i made, the one who loves me with all she have and giving all her best to me, the one who always very strong to protect me...and many many more...
Indeed many ppl never fail to recognized i m her daughter. I m blessed to look alike with her in appearance. though i m so far away, she never feel annoy to call me once a while between 2-3 days. tis is the time we share everything bout my life here n she would tell me everything tat happened in my hometown. she is more than a mum to me but a true fren, a fren tat will give me intelligent advise and teach me about life. guess words r just not enough to express how i feel now...but Thanks, mum 4 everything u had done 4 me~
I m so grateful to ve such a wonderful mum....though i cant be with u to celebrate Mother's day, all i want to say is I LOVE U, Mum. Happy Mother's day~
Angel's heart
my love for u growth each day~
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