Monday, June 20, 2011

working life....

so i m now REALLY working!!

sitting in the office from 8 to 5 is the typical office hour u get....

facing the drawing, the calculation & all the unknown number is wat im dealing with now

n they're starting to drive me crazy~

i really need PATIENCE & WISDOM now...

so i can continue being an OL ~


oh pls...i m still consider as a fresh graduate!! wish me good luck~

Angel's heart
is time to put some effort~!!


wika. said...

hey:) I have this blog from today and I would be grateful if you came in and commented:). I beg you for help in ramping up my blog.

sekai said...


IoMeLeFaccioNaturali said...

Your blog is so cute!! :D
I'm searching a work.. I think that when I'll have it, it to drive me crazy too!! X___X'

Byeeee!!! Compliments for your blog again!


Yang Kuo said...

hey:) I have this blog from today and I would be grateful if you came in and commented:). I beg you for help in ramping up my blog.
